Type Definitions

The following type definitions are available globally.

  • Block type used to define blocks called by Zendrive public api calls on completion

    If api call succeeds, success is set to YES and error is nil. If api call fails, success is set to NO and error contains details for why api call failed. Refer to ZendriveError for a list of error codes.



    typedef void (^ZendriveApiCallHandler)(BOOL, NSError *_Nullable)
  • Block type used to define blocks called by ZendriveInsurance public api calls on completion

    If api call succeeds, success is set to YES and error is nil. If api call fails, success is set to NO and error contains details for why api call failed. Refer to ZendriveError for a list of error codes.



    typedef void (^ZendriveInsuranceApiCallHandler)(BOOL, NSError *_Nullable)